You Are the Light of the World


Jesus said believers are the light of the world. We have been given light not to cover it up, not to dim it up, not to tone it down, but to let it shine and shine brightly each and every day. Never miss an opportunity to glorify your Father by allowing your light to shine. Never make excuses for your bright light, never apologize for shining. Just shine. Others will come to your light, they will be rescued from the darkness and will begin to see clearly. As Christ followers, ask the Lord to allow your light to shine brighter and brighter each day and not be diminished by the world, the flesh or the devil. You shine when you share your faith, help someone in need, speak life to someone who’s lost hope, bring encouragement to a broken heart and pray for those who oppose themselves. I challenge you to be who you are: light to the world.

Matt. 5:14-16; John 1:1-5