There is Purpose in the Every Day


There is power in the every day-ness of life. There is purpose in the every day. You should never take it for granted that you woke up. Tomorrow is not a given. So if you woke up, God has a plan and a purpose for your day. He wants you to live life to its fullest every day. You do that by praying in the morning and asking Him for His direction for that day. He will always lead you to be a blessing to someone, to give away what you have— not silver or gold,  but that which is even more precious- your faith, your love, your joy, your peace, your hope. Give to someone who has none or may need a refreshing word of encouragement. There is always someone who can benefit from your life. You are the difference you want to see in this world. So thank God for waking you up and get on with living. Make it a great day.

Ps. 118:24; Heb. 3:7-8; Heb. 13:1-8