Say Yes to God


How do you determine God’s will for your life? It’s not as difficult as you might think. God Himself will lead you. He gives you nudges and hints if you are open to His leading. What is it that you do well? What is it that you enjoy doing? What is it you would do or are doing for no monetary compensation? Those are your hints. God will give you the desires of your hearts meaning  it is He who gives you what to desire. All you need do is say yes to God. Don’t worry about how it’s all going to unfold just do what is necessary to be done now. Take steps of faith, take action. Prepare yourself by going to school to learn more about what you want to do; accept an internship  in your field of study. Practice what you want to perfect. God will be with you as you ask for His help to do His will. Remember, He’s a big God so even if you misstep He can always course correct! Trust God, allow Him to be God in your life and enjoy who you are in Him.

Ps. 37:4; Ro. 12:1-2