All Things . . .


Do we really know that in ALL things GOD will work it out for our good? If we really knew this, how would we respond to trials, disappointments, adversities, etc. 
If we shake our fists at God and blame Him for allowing out trial— then we don’t know.
If we curl up in a ball of defeat and seek death —then we don’t know.
If we curse those offending us and seek revenge— then we don’t know.
If we panic when the “suddenlies” arrive instead of praying— then we don’t know. 

But if we know that the Holy One of Israel is for us, 
if we know the Great I AM that I AM will never leave or forsake us,
if we know our Heavenly Daddy (Abba) loves us, then in the trials, adversities, hardships and yes, offenses, we have peace, we walk in confidence with heads held high, we rest in Him and just breathe — knowing in our knower- the Sovereign Lord- He’s got this. The Red Sea parting, mountain moving God- He’s by our side. Nothing’s too hard for Him to do. He’ll see you through. Everything is going to be okay.  And yes, this too shall pass. Whatever you are facing today- know this - you are not alone. Fear no evil. Trust God. He’s working on your behalf! Have an awesome day!

Ro. 8:28-39