Acts of Kindness Matters


No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted. This is a truth! In fact I believe it’s the small things that matter most. The small things are the every day things, a smile, a hug, a hello. It’s the things that don’t take a lot of effort to do but are appreciated the most- holding a door open you just went through for the person behind you, not hogging two parking spaces but leaving room for another driver, saying please and thank you. Washing a dish you just used so the sink doesn’t get piled up. Bringing in a neighbor’s garage can off the street when you go to retrieve yours. Little courtesies that are meaningful. Letting a mom with a young child skip ahead of you at check out. Offering a silent prayer for a stranger. No biggies from our perspective, but God sees, God knows. That’s what it’s all about in life, being pleasing to the Lord. This Christmas- think what Jesus would do and do it! Don’t think it’s too small to matter. It does matter, people matter, you matter. We are all important to God.  So give acts of kindness this season, nothing is wasted.

1 Cor. 13; Col.1:9-14