Keep Christ in Christ-mas


They call it "Happy Holidays." But it's only one holiday "they're" talking about: Christmas. They don't have menorahs in their commercials nor do you see children on TV playing with dreidels (a Hanukkah toy). The color for Hanukkah is blue, not red and green.  So they're not celebrating Hanukkah or Kwanzaa for that matter when they say "Happy Holidays." They're celebrating Christmas. They have holiday light competitions over the greatest light displays covering every inch of their homes. But they're called Christmas lights because Christ is the Light of the world.  They decorate holiday trees and put them in their homes, in their offices, in their malls,  in their communities. But it's called a Christmas tree because Christ died on a tree that we might have life. They give holiday gifts to family and friends, but they're called Christmas gifts because Christ is the greatest Gift to mankind. Their kids make holiday lists of all the toys they want Santa Claus (a person who only exists in literature and imagination ) to bring them for the holidays. But it's the birthday of a King, the Christ Child (Who Was, Who Is and Who Is to come). What gifts do we bring Him? And yet He brings us salvation,  peace and joy.  They say it's a holiday to show love, but at Christmas God showed what love really is. For God so loved the world He gave His only begotton Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. What am I saying? Don't fall into this "Happy Holidays" mind set. If you are Jewish you celebrate Hanukkah. If you are a Christian you celebrate Christmas. But now it seems anyone whether they are Christians or not can celebrate Christmas by conveniently calling it "Happy Holidays!" All fluff and no substance!  PLEASE Keep it real this Christmas, if you are a Christian (Ro. 10:9-10) know what you're celebrating and why you're celebrating. Keep Christ in Christ-mas!

John 3:16-21; Luke 2:1-14; Isa. 9:6-7; Rev. 4:2-11