Our Good Shepherd


The Lord Jesus is our Shepherd and He cares for us, His sheep. He provides for us and meets our needs everyday. And because He is a Good Shepherd He anticipates our needs. He meets our needs often before we even ask Him. Did you ask Him to wake you up this morning? Did you ask Him to make sure you’re breathing, walking, talking and all your organs work? You probably didn’t, but He knew you needed these things and He provided. Did you ask Him for your car to start when you put the key in the ignition, or for your bus or train to be operating? Yet He provided. A Good Shepherds knows our needs and delights in providing. So if what you did ask for you’re not seeing as yet,  wait on Him. He’s in the process of providing just what you need, just when you need it. Trust Him that He knows. He got this. He will provide, He is providing. Our response is to thank and praise Him for each day’s provision. And don’t forget that when life’s road really gets rough, the Good Shepherd hoists us up on His shoulders and carries us through. He will never leave you or forsake you! Have a fantastic day.

. Ps. 23:1-6; John 10:10-14