Pain Alerts us that Something is Wrong

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Pain alerts us that something is wrong. That is the purpose of the pain. Physical pain causes us to pay attention to our body and seek out medical attention where needed. So we must also pay attention when our pain is emotional, mental or spiritual. We seek out the only One who can help us. Such pain causes us to run to Jesus. This is the purpose of the pain. We seek God, we find God and discover He's been there all along waiting for us to ask for help, waiting for us to surrender the cause of the pain and accept His healing balm. There is purpose in the pain. As we are comforted by God, He asks us to comfort others who are in the same pain He delivers us from, but we will comfort from a viewpoint of having personally experienced that person's pain. We will comfort with love and mercy. We will have the same compassion for others as the Lord God has shown us. That is the purpose for the pain. So endure, stand and having done all-- stand. The pain is worth the gain.

2 Cor. 1:3-7; Jer. 33:3