Be Content

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There is great gain in contentment. Contentment is not complacency. Complacency operates from a place of laziness, a place of quitting and giving up, but not contentment. Contentment operates from a place of victory, a place of power, a place of faith. Contentment recognizes I may not have everything I want, but I’m still moving toward my goal while trusting my God to supply all I need when I need it. Contentment is not pushy and obnoxious, pushing people down to move up. There is sweet peace in contentment because it knows God’s got this! Contentment says I have prayed, asked God and I wait for the manifestation of the answer. God’s timing is perfect. He always shows up on time and if you are content where you are right now, He will show off in your life. He longs to pour His Amazing Grace upon you. Trust God and be content. Have a great day.

Phil. 4:11-13