Our Words Matter


Do you know how to answer everyone? It’s called tact. Not a term we hear much these days. It’s seems that people are feeling free to speak whatever pops into their minds, no matter how negative, demeaning or destructive their words might be. But words matter and for a Christian our words matter to God. That’s why we should always pray Colossians 4:6. That all our words be grace seasoned with salt. May we give thought to our words before we release them. May they edify the hearer, may they bring peace, may they be spoken in love, may they add flavor and life to another. Curses roll of the tongue of a fool, but he who blesses is wise. I pray you consider your words before you speak them and recognize the power you hold to build up or tear down with a word. I pray you chose to speak with tact today and every day.

Col. 4:6; Pr. 18:21