Resist Worry


I’ve learned over the years that worry accomplishes only one thing—more worry!
Worry does not solve problems, does not bring solutions, does not make you feel better —so why do it! I believe we do it out of habit. Our mind is a wonderful thing. It can rouse up our imagination into all different scenarios as to how an issue should go or how it will be played out. We tend to lean on the side of the negative scenarios. But I’ve also learned that when I trust God to resolve my issue, it always gets resolved in the best possible outcome for all involved. He knows how to work out my problems. He knows how to get things done. So since worry only breeds more worry and brings its friends of anxiety, stress and fear along for the ride, I’ve decided to let God handle my issues: (financial, job, relationships, family, etc. ) I ask Him to work through me His Will, His purpose, His plan. I’ve also learned that God never worries! So why should I! He’s got it all in control. I encourage you today to resist worry and develop a new habit of praying about everything and trusting God in all things.

. Matt. 6:25-34; Phil. 4:6-9